Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services in Los Angeles.

Affordable search engine optimization services is the most cost effective way of increasing your visibility on the Internet. With the unprecedented growth of internet users and ecommerce being a part of modern lifestyle, featuring on the first page of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) has become a deciding factor in the success of any business.

Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services: Significance
Search engine optimization is a dynamic exercise aimed at placing your website above that of your competitors. It is intensive work that includes working on your site’s content, visuals and its overall presence in the World Wide Web.

Search engine optimization has become the basis of internet strategies for every website owner. Especially for people who function through ecommerce, lead generation or affiliate
marketing, effective search engine optimization can get more clicks in a short span of time.

Scheme of Action: Affordable Search Engine Optimization
Every good search engine optimiser understands the importance of off-site optimization. Usually this is the area that differentiates good SEO from the average. Through increased presence (links) of your site on the world wide web(WWW), SEO uses the high popularity of other sites to your website’s advantage.

Broadly, search engine optimization can be divided into two categories:

  • On site
  • Off site

On-site optimization includes working on

  • Content/ Keyword optimization
  • Presentation and the programming of the website
  • Working on the sites meta description and meta tags
  • Site map and internal linking

Offsite optimization includes a variety of tasks not limited to but including

  • Article submission
  • Directory submissions
  • Press releases
  • Linking
  • Blogging
  • Forum signatures
  • Pay per click, Pay per million impressions and other inorganic ways of optimization if the need be

However, remember that search engine optimization is a dynamic process. A site does not stay at the top spot for long if its optimization is stopped. This happens due to two reasons:

  • Search engines changing their algorithm, which decides the ranks
  • Competitor sites overtaking your optimization

Therefore, for effective site optimization, one requires not only smart strategies but high quality yet affordable search engine optimization services that can be hired for a longer time.

For affordable search engine optimization services, look no further than The team at Evo33 is a global pool of talent that ensures the highest quality servicesHealth Fitness Articles, keeping the client’s timeframe and budget in mind.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Amazon: What Does the Amazon Sales Rank Mean and is It Significant?

The simple answer is that it means different things to different people, but I will elaborate.If you are a Amazon Product Entry customer and you are browsing the "Product Details" of a specific book, you could interpret the Amazon Product Entry sales rank to be a measure of the popularity of that book. The lower the Amazon Product Entry sales rank number, the more popular the book as determined by the number of recent sales of that title through the Amazon Product Entry marketplace. This is true in general, but if you really want to know about the popularity of a specific title, you also need to

consider the publication date and how long it has been marketed on Amazon Product Entry . For example, a book with an sales rank of 100,000 that has only been released and marketed on for a few days may be very popular in the near future and reach the top ten. That it is only ranked 100,000 right now is a little deceptive because the timeframe over which this rank was determined is not really long enough to measure the true popularity.

To a bookseller, the Amazon Listing Services sales rank is quite often correlated to how quickly a particular title might sell. A book with a very low number Amazon Listing Services sales rank might be expected to sell within minutes or hours of listing, and a book with a sales rank of 4,000,000 might take several years to sell. The analogy is frequently used by booksellers when they are scouting for books to add to their inventory they are apt to pass, but if the sales rank were 45,017, it might suddenly be a book worth adding to their inventory.

In scouting for books, I do look at the sales rank for higher priced books because I do not want to stack a lot of firewood on my shelves, but it is certainly not the measure I use for most book purchases. The scientist in me

wanted to know more, so I compiled the sales rank data for thousands of the books I have sold, using sales rank at both at the time I purchased them and at the time I sold them respectively. Being an engineer, I had to collect and torture the data to see if there was any correlation between

the sales rank and the time it takes to sell a book. Indeed there is, at least in my experience, and doing a curve fit to the data yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.93. The wellness of fit of the data is particularly apparent in a semi-logarithmic plot.

So, you see, there is a meaning to the sales rank.

For the book buyer it is a measure of a book's popularity.

For the bookseller, it is a measure of how quickly a book might sell and or whether or not the book might just be firewood.

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How to Profitably Sell Books on Amazon Listing Service.

Knowing which books to offer on Amazon Listing Services can mean the difference between a good income stream and total failure. Here is what you need to know.

First, how do I sell books on Amazon Listing Service

Amazon Listing has a feature called Amazon Listing Service Marketplace. This service lets you sell your used books, CDs, DVDs, etc. just by listing their code number (ISBN number for books, etc.) Listings can literally be completed in a minute or less for each item you sell. It does take a few minutes to set up a selling account but there is no charge for doing so. In fact the only time you incur a charge is when something actually sells.

There is one small negative to this approach. It only works with products that have a code number. So if you have antique books or other items without a code number, you will need to set up an Amazon Listing Service shop. There is a monthly fee for setting up a shop but the fees that Amazon Listing Services charges are much less in this method of selling than the direct selling method in the prior paragraph. So if you become a volume seller it is probably worth the investment in getting an Amazon Listing Services shop as the investment will quickly be paid for by the savings in fees.

Second, decide your interest level (i.e. just list books or get a store)

The next step is to decide your interest level. It is going to be a casual thing or will you be treating it as a serious business.

Lets say you were just cleaning house and wanted to make a bit of money on some books or CDs you have. In this instance, it doesn't make sense to set up an amazon shop as you won't earn enough to justify the monthly investment in keeping your shop running. But lets say your passion was yard sales and bargain hunting and you knew that every week you could find and list hundreds of books, CDs, DVDs, etc. In this case getting an amazon shop would be a wise investment.

Basically amazon is structured to satisfy anyone's selling needs and they have a variety of simple tools that will help you achieve your selling goals in a quick, cost effective and efficient manner.

Third, these are the types of books you should not be selling

Selling used books is not an obvious thing to do. Common sense would say that bestsellers are the best kind of book to offer because they have sold millions of copies. But it is their very popularity that makes them poor books to sell. If you do a search on amazon for a bestseller, you will find that many people are selling their used copies, many times for under $1.00. With millions of copies out there, the market is glutted. This is true for any type of bestseller - fiction or nonfiction. Other books types you want to avoid are biographies, cookbooks and political books. And of course books like encyclopedias, readers digest condensed books, dictionaries, etc. are also terrible for resale. Oh, and also avoid old library books. There is nothing wrong with them per se but they will be slow sellers because of the markings the library puts on the books.

The only exception to this rule would be signed first editions. If you find a signed first edition, it will retain value and possibly be worth more than the published price depending on who the author is.

Books you should be looking for are books about specific nonfiction. subjects. (In other words, avoid all fiction books.) For instance, books about cars, boats, playing tennis, collecting coins, herbal medicine, business (as long as they are not best sellers), real estate, gardening, etc. are all excellent books and have a very high prospect of selling for a very high price when compared to a bestseller. I will typically get 50-75% of the cover price selling these types of books on

One other thing to note when choosing books to sell. Try to find books that are in perfect or near perfect condition. These books will have their dust jacket if hard cover. The spine will not be broken. They will not be filled with writing. People know they are buying used books when buying from you but they want a book that is nice and presentable, not one that is falling apart.

Where can you find used books for sale?

Used books are everywhere but your goal is to get them as cheaply as possible - preferably for $1 or less. Places I regularly check include yard sales, flea markets, thrift shops and libraries. Libraries often have used books donated to them that they just put right on the sales table. I think the people who donate them think they will end up on the shelves of the library but they never do. Estate sales and auctions can also provide opportunities to buy books. And keep your eyes open. You never know when you might run into a buying opportunity.

Will all the books sell?

No matter how carefully you pick your books, you will end up with some that just don't sell or are just very slow in selling. This is normal. Chances are good that the book will eventually sell but it could take several months. And if you purchase your used books cheaply enough, the carrying cost of the books that sell will be small. I find that if I list a random selection of 100 books, about 25% of them will sell each month. That means that after 4-5 months, I can pretty much assume that all the books that will sell have actually sold and I may be left with 5-10 books that for whatever reason had no buyers.

At that point, I make one of two choices. I either lower the offering price on amazon to try to attract a buyer or "trade" the book for something more desirable.

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The Public Domain and the Amazon Product Listing.

If you are creating your own public domain based information products, you need to give consideration to selling your products on Amazon.

As a product creator, there are two ways to do this. The first is Amazon Advantage. The second is as a Pro Merchant. Let's look at both programs.

Amazon Advantage - When you are an Amazon Advantage seller, you are essentially selling your inventory to Amazon Product Listing at a wholesale price of 45% of the retail price of the product. The advantages of this program are that you ship to only one customer - Amazon - and you have a great deal of control over how your product description looks. The disadvantage is that they take a large percentage of the product cost. So if you are selling low priced goods, this method of selling on Amazon can take a large part of your profit per sale.

Pro Merchant - A Pro Merchant is a great option if you are constantly creating products and use Amazon Product Listing as a sales channel. A Pro Merchant account costs $39.99 a month but offers some great advantages over their free seller account. It gives you a lower fee structure, the ability to offer products without the listings expiring and the ability to create your own product listings in the Amazon catalog.

Let's look at each of these in a bit more detail.

  • Non Expiring Listings - As a regular marketplace seller, your listings expire after 60 days. That means you have to constantly keep relisting items that didn't sell. As a Pro Merchant, the listings are kept up forever. As a product developer, that means you can create a listing with an inventory level of 100, 500, 1000 or more and just let the listing sit in their available products list forever. So you list it once and never touch it again. This is a great time saver as you never have to worry about if your product is still listed.

  • Ability to create your own catalog entries - Amazon is driven off a catalog of products. If your specific product is not in the catalog, you cannot sell it as a regular marketplace seller. As a Pro Merchant, you can create a catalog entry for your item and then begin selling it. For example, we have over 450 CD and DVD products that we created from public domain materials and each of them is a catalog entry we created. That means the description of the product, the images, the price point, etc. are all what we set it at. And when we sell, we just tell Amazon that we have copies of that particular catalog item and are offering them at. The only drawback is that the formatting available to a Pro Merchant created listing is limited. They allow you 2000 characters to create your product description. This is OK. The negative part is that it is all one big paragraph which at times can make it less readable to the potential buyer.

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Online classified advertising is the process of advertising a service or product

Free Online Classified Ad Posting Websites
Yantram Internet Advertising Marketing Agency provides Classified Ad Posting Services and Free Online List of Classified Ad Posting Websites.
Classified Ads, Free Classified Ads, Classified Ad Posting, Online Classified Ad, Free Online Classified Ad, Post Free Classified Ad, Online Ad Posting, Ad Posting, Post Classifieds, Classified Advertisement Services, Classified Advertisement Posting, Post Classified Ads, Classified Ad Posting Directories.

Classified Ad Posting / classified advertising service
Online classified advertising is the process of advertising a service or product. The ad is a written description compromising of the name, address, phone number, website url, price, email address and a picture of the service or product being promoted.
The process of classified ad posting involves the following steps:
Identifying classified ad posting directories
To get benefit from classified ad posting, it is important to ensure that the directories have a high page rank. Yantram have its own pure list of Classified ad on a high page rank, where we would post the ads to draw a high no. of customers as this would increase visibility.
Guideline for classified ad posting
Each directory has its own guidelines for accepting and rejecting classified ad postings. Before we submit your classified ads to a directory, we would check the guidelines mentioned, so there would more possibilities of Acceptance.
Tracking and testing
Once we have submitted your classified ad to a directory, it is important to know which ad is converting the most amounts of website traffic from its designated directory. This will help you to concentrate your efforts where required and get the maximum results.
Promote your classified ad posting with our Social Bookmarking Package*
Please Note:
1. Classified Ad Posting can remain active for 30 days or less depending upon the Terms and Conditions of the Classified Ad Directory.
2. You will need to provide us with the Ad Copy. If you want us to write one for you, then it will be charged separately.

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Social Media Optimization is one of the internet marketing techniques

Social Media Marketing Service
Social Media Optimization is one of the internet marketing techniques that includes a various methods to promote your product, service, website, or business on social media. Yantram Internet Advertising utilize all categories of Social Media to promote your company’s product or services thorough our Social Media Agency. Contact our Social Media Marketing firm for Social Media Marketing Plans and Services.

Yantram is one of the leading Social Media Agencies India offers Social Media Marketing strategies and Social media optimization (SMO) are employed by empowered Search Engine Optimization and Online Social Media Services to promote the site through the use of networking in social networks, social bookmarking, photo sharing site and video sharing sites.
We categorized Social Media Marketing Service following way.
A. Social Media Optimization Services and Social Media Advertising Services For general networking, consider profiles on Face book, MySpace and LinkedIn.
• Create Profile
• Develop Network, Make Friends, Join Communities
• Updates + Upload Pictures
B. For images, look at Picasa, flicker and Web Shots.
• Create Title and Description
• Upload Photos and Images.
C. For Video, consider Reviver and YouTube .
• Upload the Video
• Submit that video to different website for promotion.
D. For article marketing, submit to industry publications and general article syndication sites like Article City.
• Article Creation
• Article Submission
• Track record of Approval and Pending
E. For press releases marketing, targeting news search engines, syndicate via Business Wire or PRWeb.
• Create Press Release
• Submit Press Release
• Track Record of Approval & Pending
• Update Press Release
F. Audio files can be submitted via iTunes or a variety of other podcast directories.
G. For review, all content, tag and rate with sites like Stumble Upon, Digg and Delicious.
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Email Marketing is one of the most effective ways to advertise on the Internet

Email Marketing
Email Marketing is one of the most effective ways to advertise on the Internet. However, as the usage of this method is expanding, it is becoming increasingly difficult to launch a successful email campaign; due to the increasing no. of regulations that form various boundaries on this form of marketing. In addition, there is also a lot of competition that may minimize business exposure.
Many businesses are finding it more difficult to keep up with the trends and want to turn a Professional Email Marketing Company for results. If this is you, worry no more as you have come to the right place. Yantram is one of the leading Email Marketing Companies offers everything you need to optimize your email marketing campaigns. We focus on your business and find prospective buyers or associates for your product & services from the net. We can customize our services to suit your goals and budget.
Yantram Internet Advertising Marketing Agency had define email marketing in 2 ways.

1. Direct Email Marketing
2.Bulk Email Marketing

Direct Email Marketing by an Email Advertising company
Direct E-mail Marketing is the fastest option for sales. The method of Emailing is rapidly used and relatively simple to organize, as long as the data is adequate. This is the fastest media to generate new business avenues & push sales.
• Yantram Internet Advertising Marketing Agency offers E-mail Marketing Services for:
Product Promotion
• Finding out new dealers
• Channel partners
• Agents, Newsletters & New product introductions.
Our Email Advertising company do not handle spam mails, we only do one-to-one mail based on our created data for given product range or data base given by the client. You can Outsourcing Email Marketing services to Yantram for better Email Marketing Solution.

The Industry we are working for
• Real Estate Email Marketing
• Gambling Email Marketing
• IT industry Email Marketing
• Software Email Marketing
• EMail Marketing
• Email Marketing for Movies / Entertainment Industry
• Exhibition Email Marketing
• Hospitality Email Marketing
• MLM Industry Email Marketing
• Outsourcing Email Marketing
• B2B B2C Email Marketing
• BPO / KPO Email Marketing
• Affiliate Marketing through Email Marketing

Advantages of Email Marketing With Us
• Acquiring New Customers
• Maintaining Old Customers
• Increasing Brand Awareness
• Launching of New Products and Services
• Generating Qualified Leads
• Enhancing New Sales
• Encouraging Repeat Sales
At Internet Advertising Marketing Agency, we give you thoroughly customized solutions for your email marketing program. With our professional guidance, you can now
• Increase the brand awareness of your company among highly focused target market
• Position your products / services in the much coveted place called consumers’ ‘top of mind’
• Give a boost to the web traffic your web site enjoys
• Increase the click through rates
• Get more Return on less Investment
• Employ rich graphics and active links to convey your message in a better way
• Save costs and time consumption in direct mailing in the traditional way
• Time your mailing and get it delivered at a time you feel best
• Get immediate response on your products and services
• Get real time tracking instantly and measure results easily

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Yantram is an SEO Company India that provides quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services

SEO - Search Engine Optimization Experts
Yantram is an SEO Company India that provides quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Services. Our Website Optimization Company's SEO Professionals ensures Guaranteed Top 10 search engine ranking on Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Yantram's Search Engine Marketing Services and Search Engine submission Service covers both aspects, On Page Optimization and Off Page Optimization. Starting from the Website Analysis to Link Building and till Final Report. Outsourcing SEO Services to our SEO Service Company / Search Engine Optimization Marketing Firm

On Page Optimization through SEO professionals India
- Initial Site Analysis
- Competition Analysis
- Density Analysis
- Keyword Research
- Initial Ranking Check
- Spell Check
- Site Structure Analysis
- Content Development Check
- Brief Keyword Competition Review
- Keyword Finalization
- Meta Tags

Off Page Optimization through SEO Experts India
- Directory Submission / Link Building
- Directory Submission Validation
- Article Creation
- Article Submission
- Press Release Creation
- Social Bookmaking
- Competition Analysis
- Log File Analysis/Traffic Analysis
- Monthly Activity Reports
- Ranking and Traffic Check Report
- Site Study

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Yantram Provide Yahoo Listing Services

Yahoo Product Data Entry Services
Today, Internet is connecting people and offering new raised methods of trading through websites globally to a countless number of shoppers at the click of their fingers. Websites on the internet; regardless of the size of the business – lack maintenance consisting of incomplete product details, criteria, specific weight, color and other vital description. A lack in such fundamental information/ description/ details causes a slump in the no. of potential customers, leaving them to seek for other alternative goods/services.
Websites need to be maintained and constantly groomed; it needs the assistance of highly skilled professionals to achieve a successful impression on clients or visitors. Nowadays, websites is the first sight of any business, reflecting its values and potential therefore its servicing must be given priority.
Yantram’s eight years experience with Yahoo portrays clear specialism in bringing your business where you desire to see it! We realize what your customers are seeking for while they shop (clear product tiles, descriptions, images, etc) and through your website, we aim to highlight this to them – so we do not just work for you but with you! .
Yantram have worked on online stores and it usually happens that clients often ask us to use certain keywords "related to some products or items" but pages lacks product title, description, images etc.

Our Expertise with Yahoo! Stores
• Launch a New Yahoo! Store
• Redesign an your Current Store
• Enhance the store with Additional Features

Choose Yantram, as we offer…Yahoo product listing
• Building stores that generate good revenue (based on current customer feedback).
• Attention to Details and Constant Personal Consultation.
• Strong and Transparent Milestones for Store Development Process.

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Keywords help searching right Amazon Inventory Listing Service

Affordable Amazon product listing Solution
We have years of experience with Amazon Listings Service. Using proper categories, Proof reading of description, pointy search terms for proper product.
If you list in volume at, consider taking advantage of ever-expanding set of tools and reports for bulk inventory management.

Amazon Listing Tools And Quick Inventory Modifications
• Upload large batches of items in using our spreadsheet templates or data you export in standardized catalog format.
• Upload updation to price and quantity.
• Download reports to spreadsheet and keep on top of inventory, orders, and current open listings.
• You can Save Time and invest it to implement your business ideas. So leave the headache of listing products in Excel file - we are always here to assist you in listing products and provide you with Amazon friendly delimited file. All you have to do is upload it!

Amazon provide list of Inventory Templates
Inventory Loader: Upload inventory using the Amazon tab-delimited format for all products.
Book Loader: For books sellers, upload your book inventory or you can add new books to the Amazon catalog using the Standard Book tab-delimited format by Amazon.
Price & Quantity: Modify / delete your existing inventory on Amazon by submitting only SKU, Quantity
and Price.
It’s easy and reliable to Trading on Amazon! Best of all, you will never know what you can find! Before you know it, you will be selling products in mostly all Amazon sites. We provides data entry for Amazon.

Keywords help searching right Amazon Inventory Listing Service
Amazon product entry in excel, Amazon product entry, Amazon product listing, Amazon listing service, Amazon listing in Excel, Amazon tab-delimited, Amazon tab delimited, Amazon csv listing, Amazon csv, Amazon data entry, Amazon data entry, Amazon inventory in excel, Amazon inventory listing, Amazon inventory data entry, Amazon parent child, Amazon excel data entry, Amazon product uploading, auction listing, listing service, Amazon India, Affordable Amazon product listing service .

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Our eBay product listing outsourcing services include

eBay Items Upload Services - eBay Bulk Product Upload
Yantram provides cost effective, accurate and confidential eBay products data entry services. we offer cost-effective outsourcing solutions to manage small as well as large eBay items data entry process by simply Outsourcing eBay product entry services to Yantram As We Offers Affordable eBay product listing service.
eBay is most popular online shopping store providing free online auctions for products like electronics, cars, clothing, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, digital cameras, and many more. Selling goods on eBay is a fast approach to earning. We also provides eBay store product maintenance services.

Our eBay product Listing outsourcing services include:
• Items Data Entry from Supplier Websites
• Items Data Entry from Manufacturer Websites
• Items Data Entry from Digital Catalogs
• Product Image resizing (for thumbnail, normal and zoom view)
• Product category / sub-category study before uploading into ebay store.

Important factor for eBay listings
• Researching the Product – Before listing your product, we research the bidding process of other similar products to understand demand/price for the product.
• Pictures of the product — ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. We always try to find good pictures of your product. Preferably, we should provide pictures taken from different sides and angles.
• Description of the Product — A description of your product is necessary, containing its features, benefits of using those, colors available etc. In the description we include important keywords; which will help to get listing indexed in the search engines. eBay Product Entry Process:

eBay template designing services - eBay template design
Yantram is one of the leading eBay template designing firm which Offers eBay Store Design, Custom eBay template design and/or custom eBay web design, Logo Design. We design custom eBay auction templates, custom eBay listings, Custom eBay templates Designs and custom eBay Storefronts that make you stand out from the rest. Our market researchers have statistically proved it, impressive eBay web design can double sales in incredibly short period of time.

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Yantram Provide Online Product Entry Services

Catalog Processing Product Entry
Yantram provides commercial online maintenance service which helps save your working costs and gives you dramatic profit. Our online store maintenance experts can update the information on your product catalog by capturing them from your paper catalogs, suppliers’ website or from any other source. The following are the list of product maintenance services we provide:
• Adding new products.
• Revising the prices offered.
• Deleting the old models and so on.

Our Online Product Entry Services include:
• Identifying the specified product and adding it in the data base..
• Adding Images of the product.
• Price comparison for the product with competitor.
• Entering the details from catalogs to the database.
For our ecommerce client we can add/ update products related information on online stores from supplier’s / manufacturer’s/ printed catalog page from clients.
Some examples of store where we do online product updating services:
• Computer Hardware online store.
• Property details updating.
• Electronics product online store.
• Clothing online store.
• Lighting object online store and more.
Steps Involved in Online Product Updating Service:
• Receive paper catalogues/ product supplier or manufacturer URL from the client..
• Analyze the source material.
• Our team uploads product info and images ( if available) onto to website .
• Team leader will check the daily input, before it is submitted to the client to maintain the accuracy.

Yantram provides Product Data Entry Outsourcing Services, catalog processing services, Yahoo Stores Product Entry, Catalog Product Entry Services for an e-commerce websites / online stores. We have vast experience in converting manufacturers’ paper catalog to the web and converting it to create an online catalog. Products are added onto the store/database from paper catalog, scanned images, manufacturer websites as well as other sources. Outsource Catalog Product Entry Services , catalog processing services and product data capturing to Yantram.

Yantram could be very useful for your business, if you are having the following interfaces for you stores:
• Yahoo Stores , OS Commerce , 3dcart.
• Monster Commerce , Volusion , AspDotNetStoreFront
• Zen Cart , X-Cart , Magento Commerce.
• Amazon , eBay , CRE Loaded
The internet and online stores have proved that the future of business lies in e-commerce. To achieve rapid marketing in your business, online presence is crucial. A strong, visible online marketing portfolio will assure better business growth.
We value our customers’ and take every step to offer excellence pro-tech solution at their own convenience. Yantram is the next order of the web and data revolution.

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Why choose Yantram as your internet marketing firm?

Internet Advertising and Marketing Service
Yantram provides a full Internet Advertising Marketing Service inclusive of strategic interactive marketing and online advertising agency. Yantram’s Internet Advertising Marketing has been providing comprehensive online business solutions offering a suite of interactive marketing solutions such as search engine marketing strategies, website design and Email marketing strategies.
Why choose Yantram as your internet marketing firm?
• We understand business juxtaposed with the key elements of search. Yantram’s co-founders have already built a successful Inc.
• We understand the importance of keeping Online Advertising Service strategies in line with your key objectives and business goals.
E-Marketing Means More Business
Yantram is one of the leading Internet Marketing companies. Our E-Marketing strategy is one of the leading providers of Online marketing service / Internet Advertising Marketing. Why not improve your E-Marketing by scheduling a consultation to learn more about how our Internet Marketing Services can help you.
We Help to Grow up Your Business
If you want to grow your sales, reach a wider audience or generate more leads, internet advertising works. E-mail, social media and Search engines from a perfect direct-response marketing medium. But you need a good internet marketing company or online advertising agency. Yantram provides integrated online marketing strategies that will help companies grow. Our team has decades of combined experience in Online marketing service.
What we do for Your Business ?
1. Yantram one of the leading Online Advertising Agencies specializes in providing low cost Online marketing services and SEO Services for startup, small and medium sized businesses who are looking for growth.
2. Our Online Advertising Company / Internet Marketing Agency can help you to make more money through marketing your business on-line.
3. You can increase sales, compete more effectively and sell to new markets. We do this by focusing on your requirements and then providing the tools, skills and resources that will enable you to succeed.
4. Our Internet marketing company will help you plan your Internet marketing and run the marketing activities you need to be successful.
5. Our Online Marketing Company put you in control. You know your market and customers better than anyone. We will always be with you to help and support you when you need us. Outsourcing Internet Marketing Services to good Internet advertising Company or a Internet Marketing firm.
Our Search engine marketing company Services Include:
Search Engine Optimization
Email Marketing
Social Media
Classified Ad Posting
Link and Banner Exchange
Text-Banner-Video Advertising
Article Marketing Services
Blog Marketing & Blog Promotion
Press Release Marketing
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Internet Marketing Company Promotes Business Online

Internet Marketing services is very different from the normal marketing. Normal marketing is like making a presence in the market by establishing a unit in your name in the desired market. But in case of internet marketing, the website has to take services from some good internet marketing Company and create a presence online amongst top rankers in search engine results.
Internet marketing company works via a team of SEO through on-page and off-page optimization of a website. Both these practices start after proper designing and lay-out of the website. The off-page optimization and the on-page optimization require regular working on the website on the daily basis and extract as many visitors through proper online search results.

Visitors type their keywords in the search engines and look for desired search engine results. Search engines show the top ten results for that keyword. It is evident that the website needs to be amongst top ten search engine results for related searches and get maximum business opportunities. Internet marketing Company or SEO Company gets the privilege to make your website rank high for best business opportunities.

Internet marketing Company chalks out a plan to make the website flourish. The plan includes various activities like article submission, directory submission, blog releases, PR networking and so on through search engine optimization. Internet marketing also includes link building where links are attached with related websites so that the visitor searching for specific product on other website gets in touch with desired website through links.

Apart from this; there are SMO activities also. This includes making the presence online through social networking sites. Email marketing is also a part of internet marketing. The idea is to make your presence so high that no visitor leaves the internet without noticing your website on the internet. SEO team enables a website to score high amongst top search engine results and earn good ROI through internet marketing.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Link building is a very important component of any successful SEO strategy

Link building Services is one of the most effective methods of securing high rankings in the search engines.
So what is Link Building? Link building is the process of creating inbound links that direct towards one's own website from third party websites. This can be done via reciprocal links, being listed in e-zines, newsletters, directories, search engines, etc.

In any comprehensive Search Engine Optimization strategy, 20% of the SEO activity consists of on-page optimization and the rest 80% is off-page link building.

Link building is a tedious, research based task and there are a whole range of factors that differentiate a quality link from a general one. The process of link building is best left to the hands of a qualified link building services company and is advisable to hire a full time link building professional who works only on your assignment.

There are many link building companies in India that provide outsourced link building services to internet marketing companies worldwide. There are many advantages of outsourcing link building services. As mentioned before, the process of link building is a very tedious one and is heavily research based. A lot of time is consumed researching various third party sites with top PR ranks and also finding sites which have relevant content. Link building service professionals spend significant amount of man-hours researching high ranked PR sites with relevant content. Once the research phase is over, these link building services professionals contact these third-party websites and request for a link back to the parent site. There are many other ways to increase the number of backlinks, by either buying links or even exchanging links. The more the number of backlinks directing to your website the higher it is ranked by Google. At the same time it is very important to maintain the quality of these links.

Since the link building activity is very time consuming it is best to outsource the link building process. There are many professional link building services companies in India which take on outsourced link building services. It is very advantageous to outsource the entire link building process to such companies in India.

Few of the advantages of outsourcing Link Building services on a full time basis are:

• You pay almost 60% lesser when you hire a full time link building professional in India than what you would pay locally.

• Professional Link Building companies in India that offer link building resources on a full time basis take all the responsibility of quality output and timely delivery.

• It is possible to maintain constant touch with the outsourced link building services professional through advanced project management systems and via chat, email and telephone.

• You don't have to worry about expensive office infrastructure, workspace and administrative support and you pay only for the cost of the link building professional that you hire.

There are a few professional SEO firms in India like Ryzeup Internet Marketing that offer outsourced link building services to Internet marketing companies and digital firms worldwide. Internet Marketing companies around the world hire high quality link building professionals on a full time basis from Ryzeup.
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How Does Advertising Agency Promote Through Video Ads

What about a video attracts the most – the visual aspect or the contents? Surprisingly though it is the content of video like the written materials is what audience search for preliminarily before the visual aspect. However, poor visual imagery of a video is potent to turn off its viewers - a balanced tone is essential. Understanding importance of dual aspects of videos, advertising agency ensures quality by creating those with 3 CCD [charge coupled device] camera, directional microphone or a lavaliere. They also absorb people who can easily embrace and use latest device at ease. These devices not only guaranteed quality of the footage but also efficiency of video in link building. Some more factors that advertising agency puts stresses on for video promoting are -
Resolution or pixilation of image

Clarity of audio to understand dialogs, background score (if any) etc.

Variety of contents etc.

Creative features

Entertaining materials

Another thing ad agencies pay attention to is be it comedy, purely entertaining, documentary or educational – type of content of the footage must be creative, unique and correspond to the theme of of promotion. Several ad agencies herald contests to encourage armatures for posting their video creation to pick up the quality videos from the lot. Thanks to rampant booming of online video posting platforms like YouTube (most happening of the lot), Google Video, Metcalfe, AOL Video – ad agency can get access to a number of them easily.

Only after performing post production editing, video is ready to get aired. To edit and add final touches, advertising agencies use number of software interfaces – Final Cut Pro is one of the significant amongst these. Now that it is all set to sizzle on the screen, make sure the length for online viewing is limited to 5 minutes to the max. Even some of the most successful videos end within 30 seconds only. So, shorter the length of the footage, greater the traffic it pulls.

Forget famous Shakespearean pitch “What's in a name?” - at least an online advertising agency strongly advocates importance of a (file) name as sometimes it really matters, especially during optimizing a video file. The file name must mirror keyword phrases to get search engine spiders to read them while indexing. The metadata or the data on length and key frame encoded to the video must give sufficient information for search engine spiders.

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My top 10 online blog advertising tips!

1. Article writing - many bloggers have got where they are because they have submitted useful articles to directories such as ezine articles and articlebase that become linked to by other sites, followed on Twitter etc and become known as ‘an authority’ on this particular area.
2. Search engine submitting - Now this might seem an obvious point, but rather than waiting for Google and other sites to pick up on your blog, submit it manually, as it usually will get indexed a lot quicker. There are sites that will do this for you, but if yours is a pretty mainstream blog, I would suggest submitting them manually saving you both time and money.
3. Social media - Sites like Twitter, Facebook, Myspace have really taken off and are a fantastic resource for advertising your blog. Aside from being able to message friends with updates on your blog, Facebook in particular offers paid advertising which you can use to target certain groups, you can also set up your own groups inviting like minded people, or join groups yourself. Twitter can be used for posting announcements about you blog, and following other like-minded people in the aim that they will also follow you. If you don’t wish to target people in this way, Youtube allows users to post videos of interest while at the same time advertising their content.

4. Forums - Again, forums, like social media can be used to target people with similar interests. In most forums you can create a signature which appears in your posts (I would advertise checking though so it doesn’t seem like spamming), and as you gradually build up a presence on the forum, you can introduce your site into your posts. This is a longer term method however so that it doesn’t come across as spamming your site.

5. Classified Ads - Another useful method is Classified Advertising. Sites such as Craigslist provide a method of posting an advertisement advertising your site rather than advertising goods themselves, but can be used in the same way. Another UK based option is gumtree or Adtrader.

6. - Digg is a site allowing users to publish news items, videos and images of interest to the general public in the form of original content you have published on your site. By submitting it, the more ‘diggs’ (hits) an item gets, the more likely it is to appear on the home page or become one of the more popular items.

7. Signatures - Linked to forums to some extent, but that can also be based around your email, are signatures, providing both a link and some relevant text to your site.

8. Link exchanges/submission/rss feeds - These vary, in that link exchanges are exchanges with other sites of relevance to yours, generally I would aim for higher PR ones, the higher the better, whereas link submissions are submissions to link exchange sites without having to provide them with a link back on your site. I would limit both these though as Google can sometimes see it as link farming.

9. Paid advertising - In some cases this can work, using methods such as Face book, or Google ad words, but you need to word your adverts very carefully, and do the same with keywords; otherwise you’re targeting the wrong people with the wrong keywords totally.

10. Press releases/ news items - Sites such as, as well as many others, allow you to submit your own press releases to them which are then distributed to various companies.

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You can easily learn how to write effective press releases marketing

You can easily learn how to write effective press releases that can then be distributed through an online media news press release distribution company online. Press release marketing is one of the fastest ways to not only get word out about your business or service that you are offering, but also to raise your rankings in the search engines. When you are writing press releases, you have to realize that they are announcements that are used to advertise current events, such as a sale, a new product, a new service or even the launching of a new business.
Before you start to write your press releases for your business, you need to find a site that offers online media news press release distribution. You should take a look at the site and their guidelines when it comes to what they are looking for with regard to press release marketing. The one thing that you need to bear in mind is that press releases are not sales pitches and should be written very similar to a news article. This means that they provide current and relevant information to the reader and include quotes from a company representative to break up the paragraphs. When using press release marketing, all of the information in press releases should read like an announcement and give all of the information that the reader will want to know about the new sale, product, service or event. Press releases have to be deemed newsworthy in order to be posted on press release distribution sites.

Although you are creating press releases like a news article, you are actually creatively using them as a way to advertise your business. Even if you do not have any new products or services, you can include something of this nature in when you are using press release marketing. You should also make sure that you include all of the information about your company or business as well as a brief background of the business for the reader. Using an online media news press release distribution is a creative form of advertising that can easily be accomplished with the right press releases.

The reason that you add quotes to any news article as well as to press releases is to give it credibility. Just as you are not supposed to editorialize in a news article, nor should you do so when you are writing press releases. All of the information that you are providing should be backed up by a noted person in the company. If you do not want to use your own name, you can make up a name of a person who is the contact person. Many people who are marketing online will use press release marketing to make their business seem bigger than it actually is. Press release marketing is all about providing the public with a certain perception about your company. You want to be sure that you give the reader contact information, however, so that they can contact your company and purchase the product or service you are providing. The more the reader understands about your company, the more they will trust your company. Once the press release is completed, it can be added to an online media news press release distribution site.

Any business, either off line or online, should take advantage of press release marketing as an effective tool. This is a good way to introduce people to your company or keep them abreast of any new products or services you are offering. In addition, using an online media news press release distribution company provides you with a live back link to your website that will raise your website rankings in the search engines. Press releases are easy to write once you understand the basic concept that it has to come off as a current news article with quotes rather than a sales promotion.

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How Can an Article Marketing Service Help Your Business?

Businesses trying to make money online are ever on a look out for the most effective means of marketing themselves on the internet. In recent years article marketing has become one of the most popularly used marketing tactics on the net. Indeed this internet marketing phenomenon has changed the face of the internet to quite an extent.
The question is can such services help you increase your website traffic and get you up on the search engine rankings? The answer is a bold yes because article marketing still carries immense value as a marketing strategy on the internet.

Through this technique you get to post your articles on the internet for free. Using these articles you can reach out to a specific target audience that has a keen interest in the product or service that you are looking to sell.

The benefits of article marketing services start kicking in the moment you submit your articles to the various article directories on the internet. A well written informative article easily gets approved for posting. Once it does interested people will read it and then they can follow the link in the resource box back to your website.

The resource box is a two line statement that comes at the end of an article. Here the writer puts his name and the link to the website in question. The information in this two line statement should be put forward in an interesting manner. The experts say your two line resource box needs to be just as impressive as the article itself in order for it to be successful.

The key to improving link popularity using article marketing is to create good quality content. As it is only good content that will have a significant impact on the reader. If for example your article manages to impress a reader, he can then post that same article on his website. This will increase the outreach of your article thereby enhancing your marketing efforts without you even having to do anything.

When you submit your articles to an article directory it requires you to have certain keywords in the article body as well as the resource box. This is so that people can actually find it when they visit the site and make a search. Similarly these same keywords are given to the search engines where your article will pop up if someone makes a search using the keywords.

A professional SEO company can even help you with a report or e-book which is given to potential customers over the internet. This gives the reader detailed information regarding your products and services. Furthermore such companies have a network of high traffic distribution sites and relevant niche publishers where the articles are to be published.

The best thing about article marketing is its versatility. The nature of this marketing technique is such that it can be used by small, medium and large sized businesses alike. Of course the nature of the written content will vary according to the size and the operations of the business but the basic aim remains the same; and that is to increase traffic to your website and improve your search engine rankings.

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Newsletters addressed to your client base are an effective method of reaching your niche market

Small business owners often face challenges in marketing their business since they often do not have the financial resources for large scale media campaigns. However, one easy and cost-effective way to reach a larger audience is online Newsletters and Articles tailored to your industry or customer base.

Newsletters addressed to your client base are an effective method of reaching your niche market. For instance if your business specialized in Greek cooking, it would be logical to have a monthly newsletter written about cooking in the Greek tradition. Moreover, an online newsletter available from your website and a paper newsletter offered at your store would be an ideal solution.

Many resources exist to affordably create an online newsletter. Resources have an easy to follow article publishing system to assist in creating an online newsletter in minutes. There is no need to read programming manuals. You just answer a few questions such as what categories you want for the newsletter (e.g. Greek News, Recipes Column, etc) and then just add articles to the Categories. You then instantly have an online newsletter which you can link from your company website and/or print out to distribute at your store. You can even receive article submissions from others and approve/reject the ones you want to include in your publication.

It's best to avoid the completely "free" newsletter building sites as they often place numerous ad banners on your pages which would turn off your customers. Paying as little as $5 can usually get you some nice banner-free newsletter site.

So newsletters and articles specific to your customer base are a good way to stay in touch with your customers and they can be created at a very affordable price and can be built with virtually no technical expertise.

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The Importance of an Online Advertising Company

Internet has made possible what could never be imagined in earlier times that is, gate crashing into the homes of the target audience and selling them the products. In the past decades, who could have thought a salesman can enter your home persistently and sell you the products? Yes, marketing through the Internet can be likened to a salesman entering your home and selling his products. But who is behind this form of advertising. It is none other than an online advertising company.
An online advertising company cans a play a major role in assisting its client companies advertise their products on the Internet and reach their target audience. You need to differentiate yourself from your competitors so as to attract customers and convert them into your loyal consumers. An online advertising company can do this for you by enhancing your online presence.

An online advertising company functions through an online advertising network.

It can help you chalk out a plan, create design, and show you the way through the implementation stage of your advertising campaign. In short, an advertising company looks after everything, ranging from search engine marketing to email campaigns to affiliate programs.

The sale of your products depends on how aggressively the online advertising company has designed your ad for this, a skillful copywriter is required, and without whom you cannot expect an effective ad.

There are certain facts that you should be aware of your online advertising company including who are its clients, what price it demands, whether it is result-oriented, its standing and reputation in the ad world, its efficiency, and methodologies it adopt. An effective online advertising company should be able to convert a concept into a sale.

Another essential role that such an advertising company can play is that it should be able to promote your products in such a manner that they get noticed by the target audience and you are able to get qualified customers. A qualified customer is more likely to buy a product. A leading advertising company will always try to work with you at a personal level, offering you personal consultation and help you through the designing stages.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Outsourcing Email marketing services, email marketing services India, Outsource Email Marketing

There are a number of different email marketing solutions that can help you to increase your traffic through the use of email marketing and targeted mailings.
The first thing to know is that email marketing solutions usually involve the use of a campaign. This is similar to the sales catalogs you get in the mail every week. They are sending out a marketing campaign that contains information for that week. The same goes for email marketing as with direct regular paper mail. If you are looking at email marketing solutions then you have probably come across an email marketing service. There are three categories that these services will fall into. These will be High, Mid and Off the shelf.
High end services will focus and even specialize on email marketing. They offer complex marketing technologies and have the capability to do both online and offline marketing strategies to large numbers of clients.
Mid ranged solutions are going to deal mainly with small to medium sized businesses that have the need for more advanced marketing than the majority of smaller businesses, that are comfortable with outsourcing and that need customized solutions.
Off the shelf, email marketing solutions are ideal for small businesses that plan to allot their own resources to marketing. They offer things like the basics in tracking, reporting, list management and personalized HTML emails.
No matter what level of service an email marketing solutions company offers, they are going to have their own set of criteria. This is why it is important to be able to find a email marketing company that is going to be the best fit for your company. The first thing to do is to determine what exactly your company's needs are when it comes to email marketing. Then make a list of companies that offer the services you are looking for.
Once you have completed this list, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each one of the services. For example, price, quality and advanced features for growth potential. While you may be tempted to go with something lower priced, remember that you will probably have greater growth potential with companies that are more expensive and will probably earn the money back during your marketing campaigns.
Email marketing solutions can be an excellent way to take care of some of the specialized information that is necessary for finding out if a campaign is working for you. These are things like tracking, writing content so that it expresses your message in a way that encourages people to want to visit your website.
Email marketing is not just about creating sales but generating traffic as well. For smaller businesses, you may not require much in terms of email marketing services. However, as your business grows you may want more to assist you in managing your campaigns.