Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services in Los Angeles.

Affordable search engine optimization services is the most cost effective way of increasing your visibility on the Internet. With the unprecedented growth of internet users and ecommerce being a part of modern lifestyle, featuring on the first page of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) has become a deciding factor in the success of any business.

Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services: Significance
Search engine optimization is a dynamic exercise aimed at placing your website above that of your competitors. It is intensive work that includes working on your site’s content, visuals and its overall presence in the World Wide Web.

Search engine optimization has become the basis of internet strategies for every website owner. Especially for people who function through ecommerce, lead generation or affiliate
marketing, effective search engine optimization can get more clicks in a short span of time.

Scheme of Action: Affordable Search Engine Optimization
Every good search engine optimiser understands the importance of off-site optimization. Usually this is the area that differentiates good SEO from the average. Through increased presence (links) of your site on the world wide web(WWW), SEO uses the high popularity of other sites to your website’s advantage.

Broadly, search engine optimization can be divided into two categories:

  • On site
  • Off site

On-site optimization includes working on

  • Content/ Keyword optimization
  • Presentation and the programming of the website
  • Working on the sites meta description and meta tags
  • Site map and internal linking

Offsite optimization includes a variety of tasks not limited to but including

  • Article submission
  • Directory submissions
  • Press releases
  • Linking
  • Blogging
  • Forum signatures
  • Pay per click, Pay per million impressions and other inorganic ways of optimization if the need be

However, remember that search engine optimization is a dynamic process. A site does not stay at the top spot for long if its optimization is stopped. This happens due to two reasons:

  • Search engines changing their algorithm, which decides the ranks
  • Competitor sites overtaking your optimization

Therefore, for effective site optimization, one requires not only smart strategies but high quality yet affordable search engine optimization services that can be hired for a longer time.

For affordable search engine optimization services, look no further than The team at Evo33 is a global pool of talent that ensures the highest quality servicesHealth Fitness Articles, keeping the client’s timeframe and budget in mind.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Amazon: What Does the Amazon Sales Rank Mean and is It Significant?

The simple answer is that it means different things to different people, but I will elaborate.If you are a Amazon Product Entry customer and you are browsing the "Product Details" of a specific book, you could interpret the Amazon Product Entry sales rank to be a measure of the popularity of that book. The lower the Amazon Product Entry sales rank number, the more popular the book as determined by the number of recent sales of that title through the Amazon Product Entry marketplace. This is true in general, but if you really want to know about the popularity of a specific title, you also need to

consider the publication date and how long it has been marketed on Amazon Product Entry . For example, a book with an sales rank of 100,000 that has only been released and marketed on for a few days may be very popular in the near future and reach the top ten. That it is only ranked 100,000 right now is a little deceptive because the timeframe over which this rank was determined is not really long enough to measure the true popularity.

To a bookseller, the Amazon Listing Services sales rank is quite often correlated to how quickly a particular title might sell. A book with a very low number Amazon Listing Services sales rank might be expected to sell within minutes or hours of listing, and a book with a sales rank of 4,000,000 might take several years to sell. The analogy is frequently used by booksellers when they are scouting for books to add to their inventory they are apt to pass, but if the sales rank were 45,017, it might suddenly be a book worth adding to their inventory.

In scouting for books, I do look at the sales rank for higher priced books because I do not want to stack a lot of firewood on my shelves, but it is certainly not the measure I use for most book purchases. The scientist in me

wanted to know more, so I compiled the sales rank data for thousands of the books I have sold, using sales rank at both at the time I purchased them and at the time I sold them respectively. Being an engineer, I had to collect and torture the data to see if there was any correlation between

the sales rank and the time it takes to sell a book. Indeed there is, at least in my experience, and doing a curve fit to the data yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.93. The wellness of fit of the data is particularly apparent in a semi-logarithmic plot.

So, you see, there is a meaning to the sales rank.

For the book buyer it is a measure of a book's popularity.

For the bookseller, it is a measure of how quickly a book might sell and or whether or not the book might just be firewood.

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How to Profitably Sell Books on Amazon Listing Service.

Knowing which books to offer on Amazon Listing Services can mean the difference between a good income stream and total failure. Here is what you need to know.

First, how do I sell books on Amazon Listing Service

Amazon Listing has a feature called Amazon Listing Service Marketplace. This service lets you sell your used books, CDs, DVDs, etc. just by listing their code number (ISBN number for books, etc.) Listings can literally be completed in a minute or less for each item you sell. It does take a few minutes to set up a selling account but there is no charge for doing so. In fact the only time you incur a charge is when something actually sells.

There is one small negative to this approach. It only works with products that have a code number. So if you have antique books or other items without a code number, you will need to set up an Amazon Listing Service shop. There is a monthly fee for setting up a shop but the fees that Amazon Listing Services charges are much less in this method of selling than the direct selling method in the prior paragraph. So if you become a volume seller it is probably worth the investment in getting an Amazon Listing Services shop as the investment will quickly be paid for by the savings in fees.

Second, decide your interest level (i.e. just list books or get a store)

The next step is to decide your interest level. It is going to be a casual thing or will you be treating it as a serious business.

Lets say you were just cleaning house and wanted to make a bit of money on some books or CDs you have. In this instance, it doesn't make sense to set up an amazon shop as you won't earn enough to justify the monthly investment in keeping your shop running. But lets say your passion was yard sales and bargain hunting and you knew that every week you could find and list hundreds of books, CDs, DVDs, etc. In this case getting an amazon shop would be a wise investment.

Basically amazon is structured to satisfy anyone's selling needs and they have a variety of simple tools that will help you achieve your selling goals in a quick, cost effective and efficient manner.

Third, these are the types of books you should not be selling

Selling used books is not an obvious thing to do. Common sense would say that bestsellers are the best kind of book to offer because they have sold millions of copies. But it is their very popularity that makes them poor books to sell. If you do a search on amazon for a bestseller, you will find that many people are selling their used copies, many times for under $1.00. With millions of copies out there, the market is glutted. This is true for any type of bestseller - fiction or nonfiction. Other books types you want to avoid are biographies, cookbooks and political books. And of course books like encyclopedias, readers digest condensed books, dictionaries, etc. are also terrible for resale. Oh, and also avoid old library books. There is nothing wrong with them per se but they will be slow sellers because of the markings the library puts on the books.

The only exception to this rule would be signed first editions. If you find a signed first edition, it will retain value and possibly be worth more than the published price depending on who the author is.

Books you should be looking for are books about specific nonfiction. subjects. (In other words, avoid all fiction books.) For instance, books about cars, boats, playing tennis, collecting coins, herbal medicine, business (as long as they are not best sellers), real estate, gardening, etc. are all excellent books and have a very high prospect of selling for a very high price when compared to a bestseller. I will typically get 50-75% of the cover price selling these types of books on

One other thing to note when choosing books to sell. Try to find books that are in perfect or near perfect condition. These books will have their dust jacket if hard cover. The spine will not be broken. They will not be filled with writing. People know they are buying used books when buying from you but they want a book that is nice and presentable, not one that is falling apart.

Where can you find used books for sale?

Used books are everywhere but your goal is to get them as cheaply as possible - preferably for $1 or less. Places I regularly check include yard sales, flea markets, thrift shops and libraries. Libraries often have used books donated to them that they just put right on the sales table. I think the people who donate them think they will end up on the shelves of the library but they never do. Estate sales and auctions can also provide opportunities to buy books. And keep your eyes open. You never know when you might run into a buying opportunity.

Will all the books sell?

No matter how carefully you pick your books, you will end up with some that just don't sell or are just very slow in selling. This is normal. Chances are good that the book will eventually sell but it could take several months. And if you purchase your used books cheaply enough, the carrying cost of the books that sell will be small. I find that if I list a random selection of 100 books, about 25% of them will sell each month. That means that after 4-5 months, I can pretty much assume that all the books that will sell have actually sold and I may be left with 5-10 books that for whatever reason had no buyers.

At that point, I make one of two choices. I either lower the offering price on amazon to try to attract a buyer or "trade" the book for something more desirable.

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The Public Domain and the Amazon Product Listing.

If you are creating your own public domain based information products, you need to give consideration to selling your products on Amazon.

As a product creator, there are two ways to do this. The first is Amazon Advantage. The second is as a Pro Merchant. Let's look at both programs.

Amazon Advantage - When you are an Amazon Advantage seller, you are essentially selling your inventory to Amazon Product Listing at a wholesale price of 45% of the retail price of the product. The advantages of this program are that you ship to only one customer - Amazon - and you have a great deal of control over how your product description looks. The disadvantage is that they take a large percentage of the product cost. So if you are selling low priced goods, this method of selling on Amazon can take a large part of your profit per sale.

Pro Merchant - A Pro Merchant is a great option if you are constantly creating products and use Amazon Product Listing as a sales channel. A Pro Merchant account costs $39.99 a month but offers some great advantages over their free seller account. It gives you a lower fee structure, the ability to offer products without the listings expiring and the ability to create your own product listings in the Amazon catalog.

Let's look at each of these in a bit more detail.

  • Non Expiring Listings - As a regular marketplace seller, your listings expire after 60 days. That means you have to constantly keep relisting items that didn't sell. As a Pro Merchant, the listings are kept up forever. As a product developer, that means you can create a listing with an inventory level of 100, 500, 1000 or more and just let the listing sit in their available products list forever. So you list it once and never touch it again. This is a great time saver as you never have to worry about if your product is still listed.

  • Ability to create your own catalog entries - Amazon is driven off a catalog of products. If your specific product is not in the catalog, you cannot sell it as a regular marketplace seller. As a Pro Merchant, you can create a catalog entry for your item and then begin selling it. For example, we have over 450 CD and DVD products that we created from public domain materials and each of them is a catalog entry we created. That means the description of the product, the images, the price point, etc. are all what we set it at. And when we sell, we just tell Amazon that we have copies of that particular catalog item and are offering them at. The only drawback is that the formatting available to a Pro Merchant created listing is limited. They allow you 2000 characters to create your product description. This is OK. The negative part is that it is all one big paragraph which at times can make it less readable to the potential buyer.

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