Sunday, July 11, 2010

Quality Source for Online Product Entry.

Times have changed so much that once there was a time that if you had to buy any thing you had think twice whether you actually need it or not, how long can you postpone buying it and can anyone else go and buy for you. This was not because of not having capacity or money to but because you would need to plan a whole day, spend, so much time commuting, going to the market at once you reach the place where you would get your stuff, after so much of sweat and hassle you realize that the thing that you wanted is out of stock or is not in the color desired by you.

Now the time has come when you can buy anything from a needle to airplane just with a click on you mouse. E-Commerce web sites have become such and advantage that you can actually have a look of the thing desired by you and then it lets you know whether it’s available or not. If not available on one site, you can go to another. It’s just like moving from one market to another within fraction of seconds or comparing items of two markets at one time. It’s a GREAT feeling when markets are available at your finger tips.

I was just wondering that day as to how these sites work. So many products with so many variations and how does one manage. I thought of doing some research on it and realized that ONLINE PRODUCT ENTRY requires the list of manufacturers’ sites, the images, which may at times be required to resize as per the seller’s site, detailed description about that product to give the potential buyer know the features of the product, weight, price etc. Also there are many types of web stores through which the products can be added.

This work can be done in house by the seller or he can also outsource this type of work to various companies that have an expertise in doing this job. This reduces that time and money of the seller so that he can expand the business instead of spending time on online product entry.

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