Friday, August 27, 2010

Google Optimization Tips For Blog.

If you want your blog to do well, you cannot ignore Google optimization. On the Internet, there are 3 major search engines - Yahoo, Bing (used to be MSN Live) and Google. Among the three search engines, Google owns the lion's share of web traffic. Therefore, if your site is not going well in Google, you may be losing 50% of your visitors. so how do you get your blog to rank well in Google?

1) Unique content.

Don't republish content that have been published on other sites. Keep the content on your own blog unique. If you publish duplicate content, the web pages may get caught in Google duplicate content filter, and you will never get to rank well in the search results. If your content is unique, you can be assured that your content will be indexed.

Generating unique content takes time, but it's not really that hard. Just write what comes to your head. If the blog post is still lacking in content, you can always save it as a draft and work on it later. As long as you don't copy and paste from other web pages, you will do fine.

2) Network with other bloggers.

Many successful bloggers are also social bloggers. In other words, they spend a lot of time networking with others. The more they network, the more back links they acquire. If you are already familiar with SEO, you know that you need back links to succeed.

Participate in other bloggers' discussions. Leave comments on their blog entries. Alternatively, you can exchange content with other bloggers.

Always approach other bloggers with something to offer. Don't just ask others to link back to you without having anything to offer. If you already own a popular blog, offer to link to your friends from that blog. The more you can give, the more likely others will respond to you.

3) Pick popular keywords to target.

Always spend some time to do your keyword research. You can spend hours creating unique content but that content is not going to bring you any traffic if you are not using the right keywords. Web visitors type in keywords into Google to search for information. If your web pages contain those keywords, they will surface in the search results.

Once you have your keyword list, you can create content that is based around those keywords. Never try to keyword stuff your articles with too many repeated keywords. Just write naturally, like you are writing for human readers. Trust the search engines to be able to pick up the context of your content. Apparently, the search engines have proven to be very effective at that. So there is no need for you to try to manipulate the search engines into "thinking" that your content deserves a higher ranking.

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