Thursday, August 12, 2010

Who Are the Top Email Marketing Companies and How to Choose

As I consult with small business owners building an email list online I'm often asked who are the top email marketing companies and how to choose between them.

There are many Email Marketing Companies online and who's the top would depend on how you define 'top' I suppose.

Is it the company with the most customers?
The company with the highest deliverability rate?
The company with the most total subscribers?
The company who's made the most money?
Is it the program with the most features?

As you can see we'll need to define this down a little further before making a decision on which company to build your email list with.

Here is my opinion of what the most important features and email marketing company or email service provider should offer:

1. High Deliverability: This may very well be one of the most important features for a top company. You want your emails to get delivered every single time. Unfortunately all too often emails just don't get through the very strict spam filters of today's email programs and internet service providers. An email marketing company that has built a solid relationship with email and internet service providers can be 'whitelisted' so that their emails are sent through while others are blocked. Be sure the company you choose has a high deliverability rate, as close to 100% as possible.

2. Double Opt-in: In order to comply with the Can-Spam laws you want to make sure your subscribers actually signed up to receive your emails. This is best done by putting them through a double opt-in process.

3. Templates: A good email service provider will also provide you with a large number of high quality templates to use in your emails. This saves you time and money in having them created yourself.

4. Tracking: Knowing what works and what doesn't is the lifeblood of any business and it's no different when doing business online. A good email marketing company and service provider will offer you a number of good tracking options. For example, I use Aweber for my email marketing and they provide tracking that allows me to see the number of subscribers to every opt-in form I create as well as the conversion rate. They also do reporting on the number of sign-ups, clicks in emails, percentage of emails opened and more.

5. Autoresponders: One of the greatest advantages to email marketing is the ability to set up emails to be delivered automatically. This allows you to create a lot of leverage in your business and make money even when you are not working.

6. Customer Support: No matter how great a company or product is if the support is terrible then it's all downhill from there. Test out your potential email companies support by using it. Call them, ask questions and make sure they will be there to support you when and if any issues arise.

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